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Nestled in a Book

I love Romance, New Adult, and Erotica books. I love sharing the books and authors that I love with people who have that in common or others who might not have ever known about them.


Oh. My. GODDD!!! I can't remember the last time I loved a character as much as I love Lucas Fournier! I don't even have the words! But I'm getting ahead of myself.

Top Five Reasons (Out of 100) I Am NEVER Coming Out Of This Blanket Fort
1) 220 hand-engraved invitations.
2) $18,000 hand-pieced Vera Wang gown.
3) 1500 Felicity roses imported from Ecuador.
4) Bridal portrait on the current cover of Wedding Chic magazine.
5) Text message from fiance calling off dream wedding a week before it happens.

Tucker Branch is a wealthy VP of sales for his family's corporation and the man who called off his upcoming wedding to Mia Devine via text message a week before the two were set to take their vows in front of hundreds of people. Mia is the ultimate planner. She thrives on making lists, planning every aspect of her life down to the day and the outfit that she will wear. It's so much a part of who she is that she built a business around it as an event planner. So when her plan of being married by twenty-eight and having a baby by thirty comes to a screeching halt, she panics. After she spends a week in bed, being one hundred different shades of angry and crying, her friends all but stage an intervention.

"Come on, we'll...make a list or something. You love making lists."
I did love making lists. They calmed me, made me feel like I was in control, on top of things, sticking to the plan. But all over the floor were crumpled and wadded-up lists with titles like Pooping Your Pants in Public and Other Things That are ALMOST as Humiliating as This but Not Quite and Not 10, Not 50, but 100 Reasons Why Tucker is a Fucker, and I was pretty sure making another one would not make me feel better.

She's supposed to be leaving for her week-long honeymoon in Paris the next day, a place she's dreamed of going since she was a little girl. Although it takes a lot of convincing and her friends all but pack her bag for her, they finally convince Mia that going on this trip is exactly what she needs to clear her head and pull her out of the funk.

"Don't think of it as a honeymoon. Think of it as Tucker's parting gift to you -- an all-expenses-paid luxury send-off!"
"I can't. That wasn't the plan."
"Fuck the plan for once, Mia!"

Once she gets there, she vows to enjoy the trip. But unfortunately for her, she's in the world's most romantic city and everywhere she turns she's surrounded by happy couples kissing and holding hands, and men romantically proposing marriage. Everywhere she looks she's suffocated by love and the constant reminder that she's utterly alone. She makes up her mind to go home the next day and work on moving forward with her life. But first she's going to get drunk and she wants to do it in a place that isn't full of hearts and flowers. She happens upon a bar that promises to attract mostly men who are into sports and beer.

"That's what I was doing when I came in, making sure there were no obvious couples in love in here. They're fucking everywhere in this city. You can't even walk down the street without seeing people hanging all over each other, kissing and hugging and being fucking happy together. It's like a crime to walk down the street alone."

The last thing she expects to find is Lucas Fournier, an attractive english-speaking bartender with long, unruly curls, and a scruffy jaw. When he finds out the reason for her visit to Paris and why she's about to return home after only one day in one of the most beautiful cities in the world, he makes her a proposition. And not of the marriage kind. He implores her to give Paris one more day, with him as her tour guide, and he promises to change her mind. And if not, she can leave the following day. She reluctantly agrees to meet him the next morning in the lobby of her hotel.

Lucas is equal parts French and American. He's a psychology professor at NYU and spends most of his summers in France. He's a laid-back, go-with-the-flow, in-the-moment type of guy with a passion and talent for music. He's exactly what Mia isn't and everything she needs. He takes her everywhere she's always dreamed of seeing, but also to some of the real non-tourist part of Paris. There are no lists, no plans, and no reservations. Lucas challenges Mia to just live for a change, with no rules, unchained and free.

When the mutual attraction between them becomes palpable and undeniable, Mia again throws caution to the wind.

We stared at each other for a long moment, during which my desire for him went from Butterflies in the Belly to Wet in the Panties. I no longer cared what my motivation was for wanting him. I just knew that I did.

What happens between them is scorching hot! But what happens when it's time for Mia to go home? Ohhhh, my heart! You have to read this book and find out!

"Just lie back and relax, love... Tell me if something feels good and scream all you want."

I'm pretty sure Lucas Fournier was created specifically for me, straight from my dreams. I want to pay Melanie Harlow to just write about Mia and Lucas for the rest of her life. My heart is refusing to accept the fact that their story is over. I can only hope and pray that by some miracle, she will feel compelled to continue their story. I need it! I need it like I haven't needed a book in a long time! Melanie Harlow is my hero this week. I want to kiss her on the mouth for bringing me these two. This book was laugh-out-loud funny, witty, sassy, fun, and definitely sexy. I could. not. get. enough. I'm not even joking when I say that I have to read this again. Is it too soon? Ask me if I give a damn.

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